South Australian Angler - SA Angler JuneJuly 2015

In this edition

The June/July issue of SA Angler is a winter special, which kicks off with an in-depth look at our sensational squid and how to catch them. It's a must for all calamari lovers.

You'll also find a neat piece on micro-jigging for kings, snapper and tuna, as well as a guide to catching callop in our section of the Murray. Then there's a feature on Wedge Island, another on SA's favourite fishing get-aways and also the most comprehensive guide to berley systems we've ever run.

We test two new boats, Patty Dangerfield reveals a great recipe for mussel hot pot, and we feature the usual 4WD, New Products and Fishing Around columns. It's our biggest magazine ever at 106 pages, and it's chock-full of great info for anglers of all ages and levels of experience.
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